NY Times Instructions

Lawrence Public Library is excited to provide our patrons with FREE access to New York Times., opens a new window

  • Access from any Library location, from your home, or from other sites.
  • No cost. No limit on the number of articles you can click and read.
  • Read the latest news on your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
  • Works with existing NYTimes.com accounts and new registrations.

(Disclaimer: In order to use the New York Times service you must be 18 years or older, or be 13 years or older and have your parent or guardian's consent. You must also have the power to enter into legally binding contracts or permit NYT to legally process personal data of Authorized Users as described in NYT’s Privacy Policy.)

Access in the library (unlimited access to articles)

Access off site (72 hours of unlimited access)

  • Log in, opens a new window to The New York Times (or register if it's your first time) on your device or computer
  • Redeem this access code, then enter your library card number and PIN for access.
  • After 72 hours, your temporary access pass expires. There is no renewal limit, but this step must be repeated each time the pass expires.

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